Spring Time Is When The Ticks Come Out To Play

tickctaA full female tick can lay 3,000 eggs in the Spring, but don’t think ticks aren’t active now.

These relatives of the spider and scorpion are nasty biters that suck blood over a period of several days. Once a tick is on its host, it will crawl up to the head, biting around the ears, neck and scalp, where skin is thinner. While it may take a tick 24 hours to transmit Lyme disease, they also carry other harmful pathogens that can be transmitted in a shorter period of time. These diseases include Ehrlichiosis, Tularemia and Anaplasmosis. There are even some ticks that feed near the spine and can cause paralysis.

The best way to avoid ticks, is to have your property professionally treated with tick deterring chemicals.

Keep those chompers at bay. Call ISC Inc. today: 434-295-6565!

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